Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Flu, Moving, and Babies

I suppose it's been a little bit since my last entry....I got the flu, like the worst flu I have had since I was a little kid. It was like the Exorcist in my bathroom for a couple days and I can safely say, that I have no desire to ever be sick again. That said, what else is new?

We are moving! Yay! It's not back to LA sadly, but we are moving closer to some friends here in Portland. The apartment is a very tacky 1970's style dingbat, like the kind I grew up in back in LA, but hey, I can work with that! New furniture, our art collection and anyplace can be livable! We did hit a few bumps along the way, that whole application drama is stressful, but I am pretty sure everything worked out. We still go back and forth with buying a house, it's really affordable right now for new home owners, but we just opted to move to a new apartment for now.

Kitchen, it's tiny but I have had much smaller! I also love the tacky green stove!

Living Room

Bathroom that will be '50s because well, look at it!

Guest Room

Master Bedroom

The bedroom is HUGE, as in my vanity, our bed AND our dresser will all fit comfortably! I don't think I have ever had a bedroom this big in my life! So psyched! Also, we will be close to one of my best friends, Caitlin. I love her and am psyched to be across the street from her so we can start our music project! We also will be close to some of our favorite places to eat, Oaks Bottom which is a nature reserve, and minutes from downtown. All this is very good news.

I also found out that I am pre-diabetic, so Cory and I have been going to the gym 4 days a week, and eliminated sugar from my diet. So the hope is that with these small changes, my A1C level will go back to normal and when I am pregnant, I won't develop Gestational Diabetes. I knew this was a possibility since Type 2 runs in my family, and this may have had something to do with my not getting pregnant right away. Speaking of that, we are on month 4, and honestly I don't think I am this month either. I decided to stop charting and obsessing. It was making me really depressed and making me feel like I'm broken, so we are just having sex when we want, and obviously I know when I am ovulating, so we for sure have sex around then as well. It's not even the 6 month mark, when most couples conceive, so I am trying to just relax and go on about life.

My friend Sandra was in town last week and we had a good time at this awesome pizza place in NE Portland. I horrified her with my new obsession of banana clips, like the kind people wore in the '80s! I never wore them, but am totally into them now! Sandra humored me and put her hair in one....then gagged and pulled it out!


  1. I love your perfect eyelashes and think you're super cute with the banana clip revival! ;)

    I can't wait to check out your new place and help you futz around with furniture and stuff.

    Yayyy for randomly purposeful sexxy time and less self-imposed pressure...

    p.s. Is that coffee or bacon grease in the mason jar?
