Saturday, January 29, 2011

2 days late

I took a test, negatory. So I will wait until Monday and test again. I'm not holding my breath though, having some weird cramps, moody, and weepy. Still could be signs of auntie flow gearing up to show her ugly face.

We picked up some things for the new apartment today, (I am so excited to move you have NO idea), and will be getting a delivery on moving day that will include our new sofa and headboard! We decided to combine our income and start planning for our family life. I know we are getting married at some point, so we are trying to get everything lined up for that, finance wise.

I enrolled in a debt consolidation program last year, and should be debt free next year. So amazing, I can't even deal.

Work has been really amazing, and last night, one of my clients was profiled on 20/20. It was pretty emotional watching her family talk to her in a horrible, un-loving way, to see her home and what life for her, outside of where she and I talk at a local queer drop in center, is like. I know her story and what her life is like, but to actually see it, was something else. I cried a lot and told Cory that I think I need to talk more often about how emotionally draining my job is. I think because I get into this head space where I am just a listener, I forget to let it out. I hear about so much abuse and pain on a daily basis, that I think I just get numb. I also think it might be time for me to start putting feelers out to see what it will take for me to do my job on a reservation. I know that is something I want to do very badly.

I am still in awe of the revolutionary action that is happening in Egypt right now, and am kind of in shock that not more folks are talking about it. This is major history happening, revolutionary history....perhaps it's just not that important to many Americans, how sad.

We move in 3 days, so psyched to be outta here.

1 comment:

  1. I think Cory has a good point about you talking about what you experience at your job. Gotta let that stuff out. You do wonderful things for those kids, but you have to take care of your own psyche too. Loving the pix of your new house goodies!!
