Friday, December 24, 2010

Stocking Day

Since I'm not a christian/catholic, practice the old ways and follow the red road, Christmas is not a big deal to me. It always felt like the "guilt" time of the year, and as I get older I find myself pulling further away from said time of year, but this year seeing how I'm the happiest I have ever been in my adult life, I gave in.

We got a tree, I made a ton of gifts, and we are even going to visit friends tomorrow, I know, what has come over me! Maybe it's the fact that Cory and I made this time of year what we wanted, I got to celebrate the seasons change, and Cory got his beloved stocking on Christmas eve. It was really fun and a nice change of pace.....I hope our child can get down with our anti-consumerist-hippie ways. Don't get me wrong, our kid will get a stocking on Christmas, but they will also get something special every year on the solstice/Yule, something not many kids get. Not to mention the education about respecting mother earth and grandfather sky, the four legged and winged ones, our ancestors, and the creator. Learning about how each season gives us what we need, and how we need to be respectful and how to learn patience, grace and compassion. My child will not be playing with a stick and pile of dirt, unless they are really into that, but I see no need to buy my child every singe new toy and gadget on the market, it's just gross consumerism and I have never been about material shit. I hope my child will understand that, who knows with how things are these days, so much pressure to be "cool" and fit in. I get the want for toys to encourage creativity, imagination, and other various skills, I guess I just get grossed out when I see kids getting toys just for the sake of the popularity and not the child's want for it.

Anyhow, Cory and I have made our own traditions and I truly feel lucky and blessed to have him in my life. He really is my best friend.

I have been a photographer for years, studied in school, did it for a living for a while, and really just love feeling the weight of a camera in my hand. I have many camera's ranging from old 35 mm, to Polaroid land cameras, to Holga's and two digital, one small and one SLR. I think I have given this addiction to Cory and decided that since last year I bought him his first digital, I would continue the tradition and get him a bunch of camera toys since we were only doing stockings. I got him a sweet toy panoramic camera, some color filters, and a macro lens for his iPhone. And a case for his iPhone, a new robe, boxers and some candy. He however, OUT DID himself! Below is my loot!

Diana F+ Toy Camera

Gift Certificate to Sock Dreams, and yes I spent it RIGHT away online!

A HUGE bottle of my favorite bath oil made by one of my oldest and sweetest friends from my teen years, Beth, appropriately called "Hedonism". I have about 6 of her perfume oils and was running low on the bottle of bath oil Beth had sent last fall. I love this scent more than anything!

Fisheye Lens for the sweet ass Diana! He also got me an adapter for my Cannon SLR, so I can use this lens and get toy camera effects! It kind of works, but I want to try it with natural light instead of our bedroom.

And some other odds and ends, my beautiful ring, and a new sofa that can't get here soon enough! We have been sitting on our bed for the last week or so because we don't really have a couch downstairs right now. Good thing our bed is the most magical bed on earth!

Ok I have rambled enough for one post, time to cuddle up with the dude and watch some CSI Vegas, Season three.

Nighty Night!

We test again on January 3rd, Cory's b-day.....fingers crossed.

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