Saturday, December 11, 2010

Wooot YULE!

Ok no more emo-me. My period came and went, we got a tree for Yule, hung stockings , went to an amazing show, made two kick ass dinners, bought a new comforter and organic cotton sheets, I am nearly finished making gifts, AND it's only Saturday!

We purchased an ovulation kit as well, and we, well I, start peeing on a stick Tuesday to "nail" my ovulation down to a 24-36 hour window. We are on month three of trying, and I am trying to just breathe through the month and go on with life without my heart aching. So here we go....

I love to cook food for my dude, my friends, and anyone who likes to eat. So Friday night I made a big pot of collard greens, steak, mashed yukon golds, and a loaf of blueberry bread. I was cooking for about two hours, but it was so worth it....

When I miss my mom, I try to cook things that she taught me and made for me as a kid. This time of year is especially rough for me when it comes to missing my mom, dad, and sister. I used to just block it out by being drunk from November to February, but let's face it, that isn't very sexy after a decade. I try to make my own family with friends and co-workers, but now that I am finally with a person that I know I will be with until my demise, making traditions with him eases the anxiety and pain I normally fight with. It's good this year, and with every year that pass's, I let go a little more. I will never stop missing my family, but I know that if they were alive, they would be truly happy for me, and would adore Cory.

This is Cory and I's second holiday season together, and we have never been closer....and never felt at ease with another human being. Even after all this time, we still grin from ear to ear when we think about where we were 2 years ago.....I was living with Sandra and had just split from R, and Cory was living in the guest room of his ex's house waiting to move into Randy's....I was heart broken and lost, he was confused with who he was and both struggling with never wanting to date anyone ever again. We took care of each other and supported each other as best friends do.......but I never thought that two years later he would be the love of my freaking life. Nor did I think I would ever feel this at ease with another human being......I know I gush about him a lot, but I am just so freaking grateful and blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Dahling you are priceless!! Sounds like a wonderful space to be in and that you have FANTASTIC company in this chapter of your journey. Hearts and smiles t'ya both!
