Thursday, December 9, 2010

Love and Stuff

Sad pug....or wicked cute pug with bad bad hips?! My boyfriend used to have a pug mix with his ex, and after they split, they shared the little guy. But that was too stressful on the dog so the ex got him. I hope that one day, Cory and I will get another little dog because I know how much he loves the furry ones! I loved this photo so much, and for so many reasons, but mostly because it depicted how I felt the last few days. As usual though, my period ends and I feel rejuvenated and excited for the next month's pursuit of family making, holiday decorating, and gift giving. Maybe I am nuts.

On the new apartment tip, Cory and I settled on a sofa!!! A chocolate brown deep soft sofa that we can both lay on, and in a few months, we will purchase the foot stool that turns this bad mamma jamma into a chaise. We also decided on wall color, and shelves. I really am excited to be redoing our house. I know we both lean much more towards our childhood '70s style, and feel like we are finally moving away from the modern-not-so-comfy bullshit to future family friendly earth tones and warmth. We live in the Pacific NW, we need WARMTH. Not hard edges and cold steel. Don't get me wrong, I loves me some METAL and high end design, but for my everyday life, I like snugly, '70s, earth tones, and welcoming. I would hate friends to visit and not feel like they can be cozy.

We moved in together over a year ago, as friends. So our home now is where our love grew, now it is time to have a place that is ours, as a family, and I can not tell you how effing cute Cory is about the process. He was the one who started this whole, "let's redecorate" shenanigans. But far be it from me to keep him from a dream! We are moving to the townhouse next door to us, which is bigger, HUGE yard, (well huge by apartment/condo living standards), totally new carpet (gray!), new cabinets, counter tops, and wood floors! YES! Our landlord LOVES us, and we love her! She is like a second mom to me. She even offered, well demanded really, to buy us a crib for the nursery! WOW! She wants us to be happy, and is also installing a washer and dryer next to our unit. It will be for all three units, but hey, that means no more laundry mat!

I think my latest crafting endeavors have been not only, good for my wallet, but also good for my soul. I really am a crafter at heart, always have been, it runs in my family. I tend to start LARGE projects, and then get sidelined by life and put them away. My goal for the new year is to continue the embroidery obsession that has all but consumed me, finish crocheting my weird ass shawl, and TAKE ON, weaving. I also realized last night, that I have been neglecting my bead loom. I think that will be something else fun to do while at work. It has been hard to work on that with my cat around. So tempting for the little guy.

So tonight, Cory and I are going on a fancy date to the Doug Fir Lounge to see Peter Hook, former bassist for Joy Division. One of my all time favorite bands. He is performing the entire "Unknown Pleasures" album, and I am exploding with excitement. Before hand though, I am making us a fancy pants steak dinner. I decided to put down the red meat for baby making, and well honestly after last weeks house dinner of beef necks, (that I had to clean up after because it was my turn, ew), I really can't handle looking at the stuff anymore. I was vegetarian for 20+ years.....I just feel like, if I can't kill it, I shouldn't eat it. But then there is that whole pig meat thing.....damn. So torn.....

Have a good weekend, and be good to each other.

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