Friday, November 5, 2010


So for the last month, Cory and I have been trying to "get pregnant". I decided to start "logging" this new and strange journey and looking up other blogs, sites, is there A LOT OF WEIRD LINGO out there.....TTC- Trying To Conceive....reminds me of TCB (Takin' Care Of Business) & TTH (Trying Too Hard). Oye vey, so much to read and learn, and honestly part of me longs for the days of when getting pregnant was "easy". AKA the accidental OOPS. At 39, I kind of have to "try", and it's been a humbling process. I have a fertility chart, I know when I "should" be ovulating and/or fertile....and when we should be "doing it". It kind of feels slightly regimented, good thing Cory and I have a very healthy and strong sex life.

I have told a some close friends that we are trying, and informed my employer as well. But beyond that, we are taking it slow and just waiting. We are trying to keep on with our lives, but we both kind of have baby fever right now, and have started to make lists for names, looked at strollers, cribs, baby clothes, baby slings, birthing videos, and discussed how we want to raise our little bambino/a. We are just a tiny bit excited...

I started to take prenatal's about 3 weeks ago, and like a jerk, took 2 pregnancy tests early, WHY? Is this normal for a hopeful mother? I have no idea.....part of me feels like I am pregnant already, but then I keep having cramps and other "pre-period" symptoms...but everything I read says that could also be early pregnancy symptoms. I never thought I would be this anxious to MISS my period. Yesterday we met with my new OBGYN, and she was amazing. She did my surgery this year when I had to have a endomitrioma removed in April, so I feel pretty comfortable with her. She was awesome, did not say anything obnoxious like, "well you are kind of older" or "You need to LOOSE WEIGHT" no, none of that, just a bunch of positive encouragement, quick exam, and a big grin. She walked us through amnio testing, should I decide to do that, and Cory and I already discussed it and decided against it. It makes a "high risk" pregnancy, even higher risk for miscarriage, so we opted to just do blood tests and ultrasounds. Non-invasive is what we want. We discussed that since I am "older" (39), I will be induced at 40 weeks, which is fine by me. So we feel ready, and hopeful, and also know that this might take a year before we even get pregnant, but I'm up for the challenge!

In any case, this blog has taken a turn, and might just be my baby making blog.....does anyone even read this?


  1. I read this! and i'm stoked on this!


  2. Thank you for pointing me to your blog, mama! And yes... I will be reading you!
    Further- from what I read, you are behaving ABSOLUTELY like a hopeful mother. I will be sending you vibes from the middle of America. <3
