Saturday, December 29, 2012

Year End Wrap Up...oh and it's a WHOPPER!

Hi it's me...worst-blogger-ever. Sorry.
I know I use that same old tired excuse of "ooohh life is so busy, blah blah blah", but no really...this year has kicked my butt. Both bad and amazingly good.
Let's start with the bad, slide into the good and finish with a photo montage. Who doesn't LOVE a montage?!?!

BAD: Soooo pregnancy for me, has been extremely difficult. And by difficult I mean, really fucking hard and emotionally draining. I found out in my second trimester that I have placenta previa. What is placenta previa? Great question:

Noun 1. placenta previa - pregnancy in which the placenta is implanted in the lower part of the uterus (instead of the upper part); can cause bleeding late in pregnancy; delivery by cesarean section may be necessary.

Basically I have a lot of scar tissue in my uterus so when it came time for my placenta to attached it's self to my uterus wall, it attached too low. It is completely covering my cervix, making vaginal birth impossible. Impossible like, the baby and myself can die. So this means I can't go into labor, have to have a c-section 3 weeks before my due date and for a few weeks I had to be put on "light bed rest" to avoid any bleeding, because when you have a previa, bleeding is very bad, mmkoi? All it entailed in the beginning, was cut work hours down from 40 to 30, no lifting of anything over 15 pounds, no exercise and no sex. Ok this sucks, but I can live with that if it means my baby and myself are healthy.
Flash forward a few weeks...I'm at work, under some stress because I was put onto insulin for Gestational Diabetes and just general stress and I begin to spot again. In a panic I call my ob and she tells me that is it, FULL BED REST until baby comes.
Ummmm are you for real!?!?
Oh yes, she was for real.

As of today, I have been on bed rest nearly 10 weeks. Yes friends, 9.5 long weeks. In those 9.5 weeks, I have managed to watch every interesting documentary on Netflix, make 20 pair of beaded earrings, re-watch all my seasons of CSI Vegas, watch all of the slightly and even not so interesting television shows on Netflix and Hulu, fold and re-fold all the babies clothes, aaaaannnnd found the time to develop pregnancy induced Asthma. Yes, I hit the jackpot friends.

I have had to go to labor and delivery twice for some scares, but thankfully everything went well and everything is still planned for a Jan 13 birth.
Despite all these really crappy things, our son, (yes it is a boy), is perfectly healthy, growing at a normal rate, has no issues, and will be here in 16 more days. Yes I am ecstatic. I have tried so very hard to stay positive with this pregnancy, and had a few moments of breaking down feeling like I couldn't get through all this and being upset that I wasn't having the pregnancy I had hoped for nor would I have the birth Cory and I had dreamed of for over two years.
Then reality slapped me, hard. I am PREGNANT...hellooooo dummy, WE DID IT...after trying for over two years and 5 rounds of Clomid! Cory and I created a life. So what it has been hard on my body, so what Cory and I are barely making ends meet on one salary while I'm off work for nearly 4 months. I will be ok once baby comes, my body will go back to normal and my son is healthy...we really did it. This is for sure my first, and last, pregnancy and I am truly blessed and grateful. Period.

As far as "BAD" goes, that is it really. I mean there have been a lot of horrific things happening in the world, but I can't let myself go down that rabbit hole right now. I have to focus on Kai, and Cory and Chekota. My family. Now that I have a family, it's what I care about first and foremost. I get it now. All those years trying to understand how parents sacrifice so much for their family, how Cory and I are making plans and decisions for our kids. Totes a game changer.
Now for the GOOOOOD!
Chekota is ours! Her bio parents gave up parental rights to her two months ago as they realized they can not care for her and felt it was not in Chekota's best interest to take her from the only home and family she has known. They had a second child in the process of all this. Her adoption is almost final and we decided to have an open adoption so when Chekota is old enough and want's to know who her bio parents are, she will have that option. It was a long and hard year for everyone. I opened up to her bio mom and managed to build a good relationship with her. She knows Chekota is safe and loved and that we will never say mean things about her to Chekota. It is not our place and Chekota needs to figure out how she feels about where she came from on her own. All she knows now is that she is loved and safe. Fostering kids is such a wonderful gift and true challenge of what you are capable of giving with no guarantees. We truly were blessed when that little girl entered our life. So yeah, two kids in one year. Wheeeew.

We moved yet again this year, out to Gresham. I know, Gresham, but really it isn't bad. It's just like the Valley, seriously. Our apartment is nice and has a washer and dryer in the unit. Our neighbors.....eah I wouldn't be sad if they moved out..but no need to get ugly in the "Good" section of this wrap up!

We keep talking about moving to LA, moving to Vermont, moving to St. Johns.....we just need to get through Kai's birth, settle back into our "normal" life, and go from there. So maybe in another year or so, we will have a better grasp on what in the hell we are doing.

Work is still amazing and hard and wonderful and I miss being there with my NAYA family so much. Only another month then I will be back in the fold, and I can't wait.
There is so much more, but I will keep that private...just a lot of friend love going around and family love and I just am truly grateful for all of you.
Now onto the photos!

Sunday, July 1, 2012


So yeah, I suck as a blogger, sorry. I am not even aware if anyone even reads this, and honestly my life has been so hectic, blogging has been the last thing on my list. But today I dedicate some time to you dear reader(s).

So last entry was, oh what in February? Umm, so Chekota turned one, we are still having court battles to keep her, Cory and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary, oh and I'm pregnant.

Yes, we did it, FINALLY! Fucking miracle. My OB told me at my first ultrasound appointment, "Honey after your surgery, I really wasn't sure if you were going to be able to conceive". But we fucking did it! I knew as soon as I was really done trying, something would happen, I was just praying it wouldn't be "Octomom-PDX". What we know thus far is baby Dow is due Feb 4th 2013, strong heartbeat, and I'm doing good. I have had all day sickness really, feels a lot like being motion sick, ALL DAY. I've also been tired beyond belief.

It's strange, I always imagined pregnancy one way, but it's not at all how I dreamed it. Maybe because I never thought it would happen for me....but here I sit, bloated, pregnant belly popped, nauseous, and rosy cheeked.

I promise to update more about the baby as the pregnancy moves forward.
Other than that, nothing else seems noteworthy. I'm just in that usual space of work, family life, loathing of Portland weather and the majority of it's resident-hipster-poseur-I'm-so-cool-but-really-I'm-just-copying-what-every one-that-was-rad-in-the-'80s-did-even though-the-'80s-sucked-scene. Well I had fun in the '80s, but then again I was a teenager going into my twenties then, so of course it was fun. Yes I said it. I'm SO OVER you and your revival of whacky. It's not whacky, and you are only "cool" in your bubble. Maybe you need that bubble to feel validated, and hopefully you will find a space where you don't NEED validation or a bubble to feel good about who you are. You are cool and rad all by yourself. I guess I will never understand the carbon copy-ness of younger generations. My friends and I never looked alike, so it is strange to me. Ahhh well, I'm 40, what do I know.

Maybe this is what happens when your no longer interested in youth culture and you really just like what you have liked for the last two decades. Eah I'm just a bitch sometimes, but that is ok, at least I'm honest.

Wee photo update:

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Today's date marks many things:

1. The title to one of my all time favorite Rush albums.
2. The 23rd anniversary of my sisters death.
3. The 2nd month Chekota has been in our home.

The last couple weeks have been very hard. I went to an update hearing to discuss what is happening to Chekota and heard the birth family on the phone and it was heart breaking. Of course I know my position in all of this, but the longer she is with us, the more connected I feel to her and she to us.

We have three more months until we go to court again to see if any family has stepped forward to take Chekota. If nothing pans out, she stays with us, and once she has been in foster care for a year, (This August), we can petition to adopt.

It has been the most painful time of my life....and today I had a post-op follow up with my OBGYN and she didn't have very thrilling news. If I am not pregnant now, I will begin Clomid for three-six cycles. If nothing happens still, I will probably need a full hysto. I will cross that bridge later because I can't wrap my mind around loosing that part of who I am, or the fact that if I don't, my chances for Ovarian Cancer go up immensely.

I have been pretty emotionally fragile laitly, and knowing several pregnant women at the moment, has been the most difficult thing ever. I want to be happy for them and not jealous, share in the joy for them.......but I just can't and feel like the worst friend ever. How fucking selfish of me.....but it's real. I sometimes wonder if I did something in my life that is causing this to happen.

I just need to remember to breathe and ask creator to help me though this pain, and try to hold onto these memories we are making with Chekota.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Year in Review, Kinda....

I suppose it is the thing to do when you "blog", you know, write a wrap up of the outgoing year. I realize that this year I pretty much FAILED at blogging, but it's ok, I had a ton of stuff going on, and I am not a very good inter-nerder these days. But I will recap on the last few months and give a gentle nod to my hopes for 2012...

As 2011 was the year of "TTC" (Trying to Conceive), I spent the majority of the year tracking cycles, learning all about infertility and endometriosis. I knew I had endo, but thought after my first cyst removal, I had been cured. Turns out I'm not....We found out in October I think, that it had come back and I had another pretty large mass on my right ovary. I had surgery again on December 22 and found out that not only did I have another endometrioma, but there is scar tissue on my bladder and bowel. My surgeon was unable to remove the cyst, and only drained it. So we are not sure what this will do. Cory and I are going to continue TTC-ing for a few more months, then I might have to have a full hysterectomy.

I have been trying very hard to come to terms with what is happening to my body, but honestly am unsure how to be "ok" with it. I feel cheated and angry, but I know at some point I will be ok. I do have the best partner ON EARTH, and that is what matters. If being a mom is not a part of my path, I will have to be ok with that....I'm not sure how, but I'm a pretty tough lady when I need to be.

That said, last month Cory and I DID become Foster Parents to a beautiful little girl named Chekota. She and I are both from the same tribe, (Well we are both multi-tribal but we have one common tribal affiliation), and she oddly looks like she could be my child. She is 8 months old and the most fun I have ever known. She is permanently placed with us until mom get's her life together, or the state decides otherwise. The baby has been in Foster Care since July of 2011 due to neglect and abuse, and was VERY VERY ill when she arrived in Oregon. After being in medical FC (Foster Care) for several months, she was placed with us because I'm Native. Sadly, Cory and I are the ONLY available Native family in Portland. I know, how is that possible....without getting into specifics, birth family is very unstable, and has since gone back to Oklahoma to try and "figure things out". I am all for family reunification, I usually am working on the other end of situations like this in my professional life, but in this case, I honestly feel like she is better off with us.

I have to go to court this month to meet the family judge and testify on how Chekota is doing. We are going to petition to adopt her if/when the time comes, but there is still a good chance mom will get sober and figure out what it means to be a mom, or other family will pop up.....a lot could happen in the next 6 months.

This has been a very emotionally draining process, and if we loose Chekota, I am not sure if I can handle it again. I don't think Cory could either. We have fallen head over heels in love with this magical little girl and will be crushed if we loose her.

We also have a whole new understanding on how hard being a parent is, and also how fucking amazing it is. *sigh*

We have had several colds, watched her get 8 teeth, dealt with many diaper blow outs, giggles, drooling on everything, sleepless nights and the heart breaking sounds of an over tired baby. I wouldn't trade this time for anything, no matter how much this has tested my heart, mind, marriage, and ability to multi-task. I also have been teaching her Tsalagi so she knows our language.

So yeah, my lack of blogging is because I've been busy being a mommy and having surgery.

My hopes for 2012 are simple and few.......

1. Conceive, carry, deliver and raise one healthy child.
2. Give back to my husband, 10-fold, what he has given me in the last 3 months.
3. Keep Chekota forever.

4. Get healthy again.

I could go on, but that is my Top 4.......I also am hellbent on blogging more this year....feels like so much is happening and I should be documenting it all. We have been taking photos like crazy, go figure with both of us being photographers, but here is a wee "Best Of December" for you dear readers. Yes, she truly is this cute...

Chekota, Auntie Dana and Uncle Ryan

Chekota and Auntie Caitlin

Chekota and Auntie Taija

Watching a movie with Mommy

Baby and Daddy

Mommy and Chekota after mommy's surgery

Playing in the laundry hamper

Cory's favorite photo at the moment

Chekota listening to Daddy

Again, listening to Daddy

Chekota and her kitty Stella

Her first night home with us

Kicking it with Mommy day after surgery

First car ride home with us

Daddy and daughter