Sunday, July 1, 2012


So yeah, I suck as a blogger, sorry. I am not even aware if anyone even reads this, and honestly my life has been so hectic, blogging has been the last thing on my list. But today I dedicate some time to you dear reader(s).

So last entry was, oh what in February? Umm, so Chekota turned one, we are still having court battles to keep her, Cory and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary, oh and I'm pregnant.

Yes, we did it, FINALLY! Fucking miracle. My OB told me at my first ultrasound appointment, "Honey after your surgery, I really wasn't sure if you were going to be able to conceive". But we fucking did it! I knew as soon as I was really done trying, something would happen, I was just praying it wouldn't be "Octomom-PDX". What we know thus far is baby Dow is due Feb 4th 2013, strong heartbeat, and I'm doing good. I have had all day sickness really, feels a lot like being motion sick, ALL DAY. I've also been tired beyond belief.

It's strange, I always imagined pregnancy one way, but it's not at all how I dreamed it. Maybe because I never thought it would happen for me....but here I sit, bloated, pregnant belly popped, nauseous, and rosy cheeked.

I promise to update more about the baby as the pregnancy moves forward.
Other than that, nothing else seems noteworthy. I'm just in that usual space of work, family life, loathing of Portland weather and the majority of it's resident-hipster-poseur-I'm-so-cool-but-really-I'm-just-copying-what-every one-that-was-rad-in-the-'80s-did-even though-the-'80s-sucked-scene. Well I had fun in the '80s, but then again I was a teenager going into my twenties then, so of course it was fun. Yes I said it. I'm SO OVER you and your revival of whacky. It's not whacky, and you are only "cool" in your bubble. Maybe you need that bubble to feel validated, and hopefully you will find a space where you don't NEED validation or a bubble to feel good about who you are. You are cool and rad all by yourself. I guess I will never understand the carbon copy-ness of younger generations. My friends and I never looked alike, so it is strange to me. Ahhh well, I'm 40, what do I know.

Maybe this is what happens when your no longer interested in youth culture and you really just like what you have liked for the last two decades. Eah I'm just a bitch sometimes, but that is ok, at least I'm honest.

Wee photo update:

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