Thursday, September 23, 2010

Zeptember &. Roctober

There is no time of year that makes this little lady's heart more full than the fall season. Crisp air, crunchy leaves, layering clothes, fingerless gloves, busting out of all my favorite scary movies, spending hours in my studio painting while playing records, and cooking.

I have this friend, I like to call her "T-Boz", she and I used to do steak night once a month where we got together and cooked different variations of steak. After being vegetarian for 16 years and vegan for 5, I woke up one day and ate a piece of bacon. That was 3 years ago, and I knew that the need to eat meat would not last too long, so mine and T-Boz's choice to do a monthly steak night was not going to be a very long lived venture. Well my body decided that steak night was over almost a year to the day of it's inception.

With the news of my impending non-meat eating life, we decided that we would continue the monthly cooking but change the inspiration, and just in time for FALL! We met up this week and decided on a Fall/Winter bake fest! I KNOW.....

I am not much of a baker, but I was married to one so this is the time to work it out and bust out some of the skills I picked up. Portland's cold wet weather lasts ohhhh about 8/9 months, so I am scouring the interwebs, my old cook books and asking friends what their favorite baked items are. What's yours?

I had intended on using this blog to document a year of my life, daily, and incorporate my photography into it, (and I plan to do so once Rocktober ends), but there might be some food porn and possible ramblings of cooking thrown in, and I know how overdone and obnoxious reading about someone cooking can be, just bare with me. Even as I sit here, in the back ground I hear Alton Brown rambling on about ginger, and it's many uses.....over the muffled snoring of my partner who lays beside me. Not real intriguing to read, but just stick with me, it will be worth it, I promise.

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