Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Year one post pardum, nearly done.

Here we are, nearing the end of 2013, and I can proudly say, that we as a family, survived the first year of Kai's life. While we still have a month to go, I feel like we overcame SO MUCH as new parents, all over again. I struggled with PPD for many, many months, and my choice to go off my meds, was not a smart one. I went back to counseling and went back on meds. I need to, and it's ok. I'm a better mom, wife, friend, co-worker, etc. It's not forever, just for now.

Work is good, I'm in a new position and feel much more supported and more able to be involved in cultural activities. Working on many projects and supporting little ones in foster care. Something very close to my heart.

Chekota is entering the terrible three's, well not officially until April, but the kid is ahead of the game! She can count up 4, knows colors and is talking up a storm. She has some delays as far as language due to her birth complications, but she is making strides in that as well. I feel so blessed to be her mom. Her adoption will be final in two months...after nearly three years.

I have to deal with having my gallbladder removed soon, but it's going to be fine. Being pregnant caused a lot of health issues for me, not that I have any regrets, I would do it again for Kai, but now I need to focus on my physical health. It's very important to stay in balance, and this last year has been a true test of my ability to stay in balance. I know where my strength is and my weakness. I am so grateful for Cory, my friends and family, and my community. You are my heart.

Upward and onward I say. I hope that 2014 brings much health, joy, and love to everyone...I see bright things ahead for my little family, and that makes all the struggle worth it.