Saturday, July 16, 2011

Holy's been 3 months?????

I am a bad, BAD blogger....I can not believe I let 3 months go by with out a peep! I think I will do a readers digest summary, then let the photos speak for themselves. I promise to stay more on top of really.

I began a new job, my dream job really, at The Native American Youth & Family Center here in Portland. I was hired as a Gang Prevention Advocate where I was pretty much being a positive role model for kids on the verge of becoming gang entrenched, then I was moved over to being a Case Manager with homeless kids because well, it's what I do with homeless kids. Right now it is a challenge because I am having to be at other agencies to help them out, even though when our advocates needed help, none of them came to NAYA, but I digress. I know this is temporary, and at least I get to be involved in my community more. And come September, I can be back in my regular office. That makes it all worth it.

This summer Cory and I were married, went to LA on our honeymoon, bought a NEW CAR because the Lezbaru died, (yes this is huge because I have never had a new car, ever), started doing yoga again, revamped my diet, we were invited to attend sundance next year, I was asked to help build a sweat lodge, I turned 40-fucking-years-old, I started beading again like crazy, have been blessed over and over again, and even though I am still not pregnant, I'm still optimistic.

My bff from LA is coming up in December with her boyfriend and I am beyond excited. Cory and I are making plans for Jennifer and Ivan's visit and saving money like crazy so we can show them a really nice time here. Maybe after she visits, she will fall in LOVE with the NW and move here, ha!

I feel like so much more has happened, but I think I will just let the photos show you of life around here these days!


Oh hai, I'm 40 now!

Oh hai, we got married!

Then we honey mooned in California, our car died, then we bought a new one!

Random images of our home, 4th of July with Caitlin & Andrea, and bead work....